Summer School

Specialized education for a sustainable future in wind energy.

Unlock your potential at our Summer School

EAWE’s Summer School programs provide intensive, hands-on learning experiences for students and professionals in wind energy.

These events are designed to deepen understanding and foster innovation through collaborative learning and expert instruction.

Exciting Programs

Upcoming Summer School Program

Here you will find summer school events from the eawe members. Each event offers unique learning opportunities and is open to participants from diverse backgrounds.

This 5-day summer school will focus on advances in remote sensing techniques useful in wind energy. The themes to be covered are development, instrument configuration, signal processing, data analysis and applications of various remote sensing instruments including LIDAR and SAR both ground- and satellite-based instruments. Applied use includes wind resource mapping, wind profiling, power curve, wind loads, turbulence, and wind turbine control. Theoretical aspects of scattering and atmospheric boundary-layer characteristics relevant in remote sensing for wind energy will also be covered.

Practical experiments will demonstrate remote sensing methodologies, and advantages and limitations will be discussed.
Cost for participants:

250 euros per PhD students
2500 euros per non-PhD students

Deadline for registration: 31 May 2024

Boulder (Colorado University campus), USA





This 5-day summer school will focus on advances in remote sensing techniques useful in wind energy. The themes to be covered are development, instrument configuration, signal processing, data analysis and applications of various remote sensing instruments including LIDAR and SAR both ground- and satellite-based instruments. Applied use includes wind resource mapping, wind profiling, power curve, wind loads, turbulence, and wind turbine control. Theoretical aspects of scattering and atmospheric boundary-layer characteristics relevant in remote sensing for wind energy will also be covered.

Practical experiments will demonstrate remote sensing methodologies, and advantages and limitations will be discussed.
Cost for participants:

250 euros per PhD students
2500 euros per non-PhD students

Deadline for registration: 31 May 2024

Roskilde (DTU Risø campus), Denmark


This 5-day summer school will focus on advances in remote sensing techniques useful in wind energy. The themes to be covered are development, instrument configuration, signal processing, data analysis and applications of various remote sensing instruments including LIDAR and SAR both ground- and satellite-based instruments. Applied use includes wind resource mapping, wind profiling, power curve, wind loads, turbulence, and wind turbine control. Theoretical aspects of scattering and atmospheric boundary-layer characteristics relevant in remote sensing for wind energy will also be covered.

Practical experiments will demonstrate remote sensing methodologies, and advantages and limitations will be discussed.
Cost for participants:

250 euros per PhD students
2000 euros per non-PhD students

Deadline for registration: 31 May 2023

This 5-day summer school will focus on advances in remote sensing techniques useful in wind energy. The themes to be covered are development, instrument configuration, signal processing, data analysis and applications of various remote sensing instruments including LIDAR, SODAR and SAR both ground- and satellite-based instruments. Applied use includes wind resource mapping, wind profiling, power curve, wind loads, turbulence, and wind turbine control. Theoretical aspects of scattering and atmospheric boundary-layer characteristics relevant in remote sensing for wind energy will also be covered.

Practical experiments will demonstrate remote sensing methodologies, and advantages and limitations will be discussed.

More information under:

Registration at:
Dear Colleague,

it is my pleasure to announce that the 4th edition of the Summer School on “Advanced Research in Turbomachinery” ART2020 will take place in Firenze from July 6th to July 10th, 2020.
Please find attached the leaflet of the event, while the technical and leisure programs will be released soon. For any additional info on previous editions, please visit

As part of the organizing committee, I am also happy to announce that 7 scholarships (700 € each) will be made available to deserving applicants. To apply for the scholarship, each applicant should send an email no later than April 30th 2020 to with the CV (including personal data, track record and scientific publications – if any) in attachment. Candidatures will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the school, which will inform about the results no later than May 15th 2020, so to allow recipients to exploit the early bird fee.

I will be glad if you could promote the event among your PhD students and young researchers.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any additional detail you may need

Best regards,
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EAWE members can publish their Summer School events on our website. Use the input form to submit details about your event and reach a wider audience of wind energy enthusiasts.

    Summer School Informations

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    Start Date *

    End Date (if several days)

    Description *

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