Honoring the Founding Fathers of EAWE

EAWE Honorary Memberships Awarded to Founding Fathers

This year, we are proud to present the Honorary Membership to the founding fathers of the European Academy of Wind Energy who have not yet been recognized with this honor. Please join us to recognize Erik Lundtang Petersen (DTU), Jens Nørkær Sørensen (DTU), Frede Blaabjerg (Aalborg University), Spyros Voutsinas (NTUA), John Dalsgaard Sørensen (Aalborg University), Jos Beurskens, (ECN) and Takis Chaviaropoulos (NTUA). 

These pioneers have made significant contributions to wind energy science and have been instrumental in establishing and supporting the activities of EAWE.

We invite you to join us in honoring these exceptional individuals for their enduring impact on the field of wind energy.

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