Company/Organization: ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Country: Germany
City: Oldenburg
Application Deadline: 2025-01-08
Job Weblink:
Job Description: In European countries around the North Sea the future energy system will rely on large offshore wind farm clusters with hundreds of wind turbines. Adjacent wind farm clusters will interact with each other. The energy yield of downstream wind plants will depend on the dynamic characteristics of the wake of upstream clusters. Accurate weather predictions will require considering such wind farms in operational weather forecasting.
Your work will be an integral contribution to a joint project with partners from industry and research institutes in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. You will work closely with the National Weather Service to develop and implement a wind farm parameterization in their operational weather forecast model. A unique wind farm parameterization for higher-order turbulence closure schemes will be developed. The development will be based on data from your cutting edge large-eddy simulations. A comparison with measured data will facilitate quality control and uncertainty assessment of the modelling.
Among others, your tasks will comprise:
– Large-eddy simulations of several kinds of marine atmospheric boundary layers and their interaction with large offshore wind farm clusters,
– Validation of the large-eddy simulation model in benchmarks,
– Derivation of budgets of higher-order turbulence moments from the large-eddy simulations,
– Derivation of a new wind farm parameterization for mesoscale models applying a higher-order turbulence closure scheme,
-Validation of the mesoscale model applying the new wind farm parameterization by comparison with LES.
The offered position is limited for initially three years.
Please see the job weblink for further information e.g. on the requirements and on how to apply. Please refer to the job number #EW111 in the subject line in all communication concerning this job offer.
Contact Information:
Name: Gerald Steinfeld
Phone: +494417985073