Wind Energy Science (WES) Journal

The open-access journal of EAWE

Welcome to Wind Energy Science Journal

Wind Energy Science is an open-access international scientific journal dedicated to publishing high-quality fundamental and pioneering research, reviews, and commentaries in the field of wind energy.

Founded in 2016 by the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE), the journal aims to foster wind energy science and education by leveraging EAWE's worldwide academic network.

Submission Guidelines

How to Submit Your Research

WES invites researchers and scientists to submit their original research papers, review articles, and case studies.

Our submission guidelines provide detailed instructions on manuscript preparation, formatting, and the peer review process.
We are committed to a fair and timely review process, ensuring high standards of publication quality.

Wind Energy Science (WES) has an innovative two-stage publication process involving the scientific discussion forum Wind Energy Science Discussions (WESD).
In the first stage, papers that pass a rapid access peer-review are immediately published on the Wind Energy Science Discussions  (WESD) website.

They are then subject to Interactive Public Discussion, during which the referees’ comments (anonymous or attributed), additional short comments by other members of the scientific community (attributed), and the authors’ replies are also published in WESD.

In the second stage, the peer-review process is completed and, if accepted, the final revised papers are published in WES. To ensure publication precedence for authors, and to provide a lasting record of scientific discussion, WESD and WES are both ISSN-registered, permanently archived, and fully citable.

Submit your manuscript today!

The WES Journal welcomes research papers and articles from wind energy experts.

Scope and Mission

Advancing Knowledge in Wind Energy

The scope of the journal includes all fields of wind energy that contribute to the improvement of the technology and can accelerate its development:

Wind and the atmosphere (atmospheric physics; wind and turbulence)
Fluid mechanics (wind turbine aerodynamics; wakes and wind farm aerodynamics; aeroacoustics; hydrodynamics)
Dynamics and control (dynamics and aeroservoelasticity; wind turbine control; wind farm control)
Wind technologies (design concepts and methods for plants, turbines and components; systems engineering; offshore technology; airborne technology)
Materials and operation (material science and structural mechanics; fatigue; end-of-life assessment and lifetime extension; operation and maintenance, condition monitoring, reliability)
Electrical conversion, integration and impacts (electrical conversion, grid integration and Wind-to-X; forecasting and market integration

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