
  • 2020
    • Professor Peter Tavner receives the EAWE Scientific Award 2020
      Since 2007, EAWE awards every year the EAWE Scientific Award for major scientific contributions to the field of wind energy. The winner of the 2020 prize is Prof. Peter Tavner, as was announced during the online award ceremony at the end of the Torque2020 conference. Prof. Tavner won this prize “For his outstanding contributions to research on reliability and maintenance of wind farms, educating the community on the importance of OPEX for the cost reduction of offshore wind energy”
      As of this year, we start a new tradition: the prize winner will also give an award lecture. Prof. Tavner kindly agreed to give the award lecture on October 29, 4-5PM CET with title “De-risking the future of large-scale offshore wind by more extended modelling”
    • Two new committees, the Publications Committee (PC) and the Science Communication Committee (SCC), have been approved by EAWE’s general assembly
      EAWE is delighted to introduce two new committees that will significantly contribute to its mission and outreach.
      Publications Committee (PC) has the mission to ensure that the wind energy research community at large and other relevant researchers are informed about state-of-the-art research and future research challenges within and across all relevant domains of wind energy science.
      Science Communication Committee (SCC) aims to bring a positive message about wind energy and the need of (fundamental) wind-energy research to kids and youth (future generations), and the general public. This may have the effect that future generations will have another focus for their career.
    • EAWE welcomes its first new members from the USA
      Following the decision in the previous General Assembly to expand activities beyond the European Borders, EAWE welcomes three academic institutions very active in wind energy research to become full members:
      • UT Dallas, Prof. Mario A. Rotea
      • UMass Amherst, Prof. James F. Manwell
      • Tufts University, Prof. Dan Kuchma
      We wholeheartedly welcome these new members to the Academy.
  • 2019
    • The 2021 Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC2021) will be organized in Hannover, Germany
      During the closing ceremony of WESC2019 (Cork, Ireland), EAWE announced the organizer of the next Wind Energy Science Conference in 2021. WESC2021 will be organized from 25-28 May 2021 in Hannover, Germany, by the University of Hannover and ForWind. Prof. Peter Schaumann (University of Hannover) will take up to role of main conference organizer together with Dr Stephan Barth (ForWind).
    • EAWE presents it’s 2019 Excellent Young Wind Doctor Award to Dr. Frank Lemmer
      During the conference banquet of the Wind Energy Science Conference in Cork on June 19, 2019, the European Academy of Wind Energy has presented it’s 2019 Excellent Young Wind Doctor Award to Dr. Frank Lemmer for his PhD Thesis “Low-Order Modeling, Controller Design and Optimization of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines”. His PhD thesis was selected by the Excellent Young Wind Doctor Award Committee, chaired by Prof. Peter Schaumann, who handed over the award.
    • EAWE presents it’s 2019 Scientific Award to Prof. James Manwell

      The European Academy of Wind Energy has presented the 2019 EAWE Scientific Award to Prof. James F. Manwell. The award was handed over during the conference banquet of the Wind Energy Science Conference in Cork on June 19, 2019.

      Prof. James (Jim) F. Manwell is the Director of the Wind Energy Center at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the USA. Jim received a B.A. in Biophysics from Amherst College, an M.S. and a PhD from the University of Massachusetts. His areas of research and expertise are in:

      • Offshore wind energy system design and analysis
      • Remote sensing techniques applied to wind resource assessment
      • Hybrid power and battery storage

      Dr. Manwell has served on the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) and the International Council for Science Panel on Renewable Energies (ISPRE). He is a founding member and one of the main forces behind the North American Wind Energy Academy (NAWEA). He has been honored with awards from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), the U. S. Department of Energy and the University of Massachusetts.

      Jim has distinguished himself not only for his lifelong commitment to wind energy, but also for his educational activities. We all have in our offices his famous book “Wind Energy Explained” (coauthored with Jon McGowan and Anthony Rogers), which has contributed to the education of countless wind energy professionals.

      We thank Prof. Manwell for his vision, service to the community and good work.