EAWE Publications Committee

Mission and background

The mission of the publications committee is to:
Ensure that the wind energy research community at large is informed about the state-of-the-art research and outstanding research challenges within and across all relevant domains of wind energy science.

This is executed in a series of four work areas:

  • Work Area 1: Publication Development - Grand Challenges Follow-On
  • Work Area 2: Publication Development – Beyond the Grand Challenges
  • Work Area 3: Outreach and Dissemination
  • Work Area 4: Recommendations for Open Science / Training

The committee promotes initiatives around research vision by the community including the Grand Challenges and EAWE Long-term research outlook.

Current committee members include

Dr. Katherine Dykes

Dr. Katherine Dykes (Chair)
Danish Technical University

Alessandro Bianchini

Assist. Prof. Dr. Alessandro Bianchini
University of Florence, Italy

Carlo Bottasso

Prof. Dr. Carlo Luigi Bottasso
Technical University of Munich, Germany

Andrew Clifton

Dr. Andrew Clifton
University of Stuttgart, Germany

David Infield

Prof. David Infield
University of Strathclyde, UK

Paul Veers

Dr. Paul Veers
NREL, United States


The member list can be found on EAWE webpage, which is updated annually. Research institutes and universities in Europe are welcome to join the EAWE Publication Committee. Please contact the chair for further details. Active research institutes and universities outside Europe can join as associate members - upon approval of the Publication Committee and EAWE board.


Queries can be directed to EAWE or Publication Committee chair Dr. Katherine Dykes.